Did you or your horses have a bad experience with this year's fireworks? Is this celebration (or anytime with loud noises) always a time of stress for you and them?
We are about one week past this year's 4th of July celebrations. NOW is the time to begin preparing your horses for next year's celebrations. Try these suggestions to make some changes and empower yourself to enjoy, and not fear, this yearly event!
Getting your own mind and emotions right first is a good place to start! The Universe says that you get what you focus on... sooo focus on a positive, calm experience that you can see for you and your horse! Do this every time you interact with your horse. Create a calm picture in your mind of what you will be doing. Your horse will see this and feel the calm from you. If you see this picture in your mind ahead of time, doing it multiple times, chances are your experience with your horse will go as you created (pictured) it!
Taking the time to get ourselves grounded before we interact with our horse will also help them to feel that way too! Take a moment to ground yourself through a meditation, a quiet moment or just picture the upcoming interaction. Quiet your breathing and feel the calm with your horse. This will help to set the tone for your time with your horse.
Essential Oils have been a big part of our successful care and that includes helping with calming and grounding. A couple of favorites that work well are Peace and Calming and Stress Away. Another blend called Valor is very beneficial for supporting the lower energy centers that can be the root problem for horses that have these issues around safety. Once I realized how integral the emotions are with what we see outwardly with our horses, in terms of their physical health, I put together a resource that makes it easy to figure out what my horse might be feeling and the potential oils I can use to help open up those areas of the body. Grab the resource here.
Giving attention to my horse's energy systems has been a wonderful addition to their care. The Healing Touch for Animals® techniques allows me to remove the congestion and blockages that contribute to unsettled behavior as well as physical issues. Techniques like Grounding and Focus™, Bridging™ and the Chakra Balance™ are all useful in helping our horses to become more balanced mentally, emotionally and physically. There's even a technique called Trauma Release™ that is helpful when there is deep seated trauma that needs to be released. To learn more about this amazing program, click here.
Now that you've prepared yourself and your horse with a great image, calming oils and grounded balanced energy...now it's time to go explore! Take walks with your horse to expose them to a variety of new things in their life! Allow them to be curious and explore the new objects, whether the objects are stationary, moving, silent or loud! The more you and your horse get out and explore together, the more you will be developing confidence and connection. There is a 30 Day Challenge with daily prompts of activities you can do with your horse that will help to develop this calm, confidence and connection. You can find it in my community The Hearts of Horses; Empowering Through Holistic Care. Remember you are always looking for your horse to find relaxation in each of these new situations.
By putting your attention on these areas and spending time with your horse now to overcome this issue, you'll be enjoying a quiet, uneventful celebration with your horses come July 4th 2023!
All the best,

Have you ever felt poorly and later discovered you were actually deficient in nutrients?
Well I had an experience like this quite a few years ago. Once I got a supply of what I was needing (iodine), I started feeling much better! Iodine is a trace element and an essential nutrient that supports healthy thyroid function. This same scenario happens for our horses if they are not getting all the minerals and trace elements to help them with healthy body functions and their ability to thrive.
Through my experience with iodine, it brought to my attention how prevalent its deficiency is in both people and horses! The experience also brought to my attention the benefit of kelp in the diet to supply iodine along with many other beneficial nutrients. Kelp are large brown algae seaweeds. They are grown in forests in shallow ocean areas. It is known for it's high growth rate, growing as much as a 2 feet a day!
⭐️ Kelp provides an array of ... trace minerals, amino acids and vitamins and also includes iodine! Some of the minerals you'll find in kelp are calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium and zinc. It also contains the vitamins Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic Acid (B5), and Folate (B9), Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.
⭐️ With its generous amount of iodine, kelp supports the thyroid and healthy metabolism.
⭐️ Kelp supports healthy immune function.
⭐️ Kelp has a calming effect.
⭐️ Kelp is beneficial for skin, hair and hooves.
⭐️ Kelp supports healthy joints.
And so important...
⭐️ Kelp helps to remove heavy metals from the body.
Adding Kelp to my horses' diet has a been a daily thing for quite a few years now. I feed them about half an ounce per day in one meal. It is easily digested and utilized by the body. I have been using a brand called Sea Life out of Maine, organic kelp meal for animals. A 50# bag lasts us quite awhile and is very cost effective.
If you're looking for more helpful nutrition information, grab this free guide...foundation nutrition.
And for more holistic care information, join our community...The Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care.
All the best,

Do you feel confident asking questions or disagreeing with the opinion's of your horse care professionals?
If you don't, you'll want to read on...
It is imperative that we, as caregiver's, accept the responsibility of knowing as much as we can about the specifics of our horse's care so that we can be the advocate they need. Here are a few ways that you can improve your own knowledge and skills, so that you too can be the confident caregiver you choose to be!
Continue to learn by reading, asking questions and joining groups that offer information you align with!
There is so much information out there at our finger tips that it really only takes some initiative and a bit of time to read, watch videos and learn! I've created just such a community where you can learn about a variety of holistic care options for helping your horses. There are posts to read, videos with demonstrations and even interviews with holistic care professionals. If you're not already in it, I think you might enjoy The Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care.
Listen to your brains... both your gut and your heart!
That nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach every time you look at your horses feet because you feel something is wrong... means that there is something wrong! Maybe you can't put your finger on exactly what the problem is, maybe you need to learn a bit more about the foot, perhaps you just need to hear a new perspective. Whatever it is, listen to that feeling and do something about it! If it's hooves, do the free workshop in my group! Or if you're really serious and want to start trimming your own, find my course here. Do you need ideas as to why your horse is so itchy? Check the guides for that topic too. There are over 40 guide topics on holistic care for your horses in the group The Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care.
Look for professionals who align with your beliefs on how to care for your horses.
It may be a bit harder and even take some time, but finding the right professionals to work with will make your horse's (and your) life so much better. Better because you'll be on the same page. Better because you will trust this person and will be able to have an open conversation and discussion with them about your horse's care. Finding professionals who have a similar vision of care for your horses will be your goal.
Have the confidence to question your horse's care professionals if you do not agree!
When you are faced with a situation with your professional, where you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach that says, "this is not right"... be respectful yet firm in letting them know that you do not agree and will be seeking out more information. It is ok to get second opinions! People do it all the time for their own health. Remember YOU are the ultimate decision maker for your horse.
Know that it is ok to say NO to your professional if you do not agree... and be ready to let them go!
Perhaps you are being told, by the professional, that he/she needs to do a particular protocol. You listen to your heart and don't agree with it. So you say NO! Hopefully they will respect your wishes but if they don't, stand firm. Saying no may mean you may lose them as a professional. Be prepared for this. You will then need to search for one who is more aligned with your own beliefs.
Accepting everything your professional says as gospel will only lead to disappointment. Stand up and empower yourself! Join the The Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care today!
All the best,

When I first got started with horses, I used "bute". Phenylbutazone (a synthetic analgesic) is what everybody used and the vets prescribed readily for most problems. Later, when I learned that it creates problems in the gut, I knew I needed to look for alternatives for pain and inflammation management.
Managing pain and inflammation are a priority when helping your horse to recover from anything! When these two issues are diminished it allows the animal to initiate their own innate healing. We can help them when we put things in place that allows them to heal faster and easier. For example, while learning more about hooves, it became clear that stall rest would create longer healing times and was hard on horses mentally and emotionally. The faster we can get them comfortable and moving with their herd, the faster the healing time.
I've always been drawn to plants, so I gravitated to plants and herbs as these safer options of pain and inflammation management. Getting help form a local herbalist, I began using such herbs as yucca, devil's claw and white willow bark. It became clear that the horses liked these choices too as they never turned their nose up at eating them. I even found that branches from our willow tree, that had blown down into their track, were readily stripped of leaves and the bark was chewed! That said a lot to me! They were seeking out these options on their own.
Later, I would be introduced to Young Living Essential Oils and would fall in love with how well and how quickly they helped in every situation in which I used them! One memorable time, I went to trim a horse who was favoring one foot when I arrived. It was the left hind and he wasn't putting any weight on it. I asked the owner if I could apply some Wintergreen oil in the hopes that he may feel well enough to allow me to work on the other back foot. I applied a drop to each of the Ting points on the coronary band. In seconds that lovely, older gelding swung his head back and said, "Thank You, that feels so much better"! This is one experience that happened early on when I started using the oils and really solidified my belief in how well and quickly they work (without any ill side effects). Some of my other favorite oils in theses situations are Clove, Copaiba, Lemongrass, Helichrysum, Panaway and the Orthosport and OrthoEase Massage Oils.
One of the next tools I learned about and acquired was a red light from Photonic Health. The red light activates cell respiration, releasing nitric oxide and creating energy in the form of ATP(adenosine triphosphate). This action causes blood vessels to relax and widen allowing for greater blood flow within the tissues. The increased ATP production allows for better absorption of nutrients, eliminates toxins, triggers release of endorphins, enkephalins, anti-inflammatories, serotonin and more. I have used this tool on my horses for such things as cuts and scrapes, hoof issues and puncture wounds to regular wellness care. It's so easy to use and with the reference books, it makes it even easier!
The most recent option for holistic care that I learned to use is Healing Touch for Animals. HTA just drew me right in when I first observed it at an holistic care animal conference a few years ago! Soon after I took the online Level 1 and later went on to take the Level 2 in person, in PA. What an amazing way to support our horses (and other animals) using specific techniques and being the "tool" in helping to restore their energetic flow and balance. HTA techniques reduce and eliminate pain, stress and trauma by allowing the relaxation response to occur. When there is relaxation, the body initiates its own healing response. Addressing this energetic side of our horses, in my opinion, is the piece that is overlooked in traditional care. It is the piece, that when cared for, allows the animal to heal themselves faster and more completely. It is also the piece that when focused on, is a great tool for preventive care. A balanced energetic system is part of being well and healthy.
I hope you find these suggestions helpful and consider giving one or all a try!
And if you're not already in it, join my community for more holistic care ways to care for your horses...The Hearts of Horse, Empowering Through Holistic Care.
All the best,

It's here! Bug season!
The noseeums are out in full force here in VT and I have stocked up with my favorite things to keep my horses protected. Having a variety of safe options for my horses is a priority for me at this time of year. There are multiple ways I attack this, let me share with you what I use to keep my horses happy and protected from a variety of pests.
One of the things I've been doing for awhile, and attacks the problem from the inside, is feeding garlic. I started feeding it seasonally but after learning all the benefits of garlic (read about that in my blog here ), I decided I to feed it daily, year round. I think it makes a huge difference in keeping the bugs from biting my horses! I like and use the SpringTime Bug Off Granules. They are freeze-dried with just garlic as the ingredient. I feed about a tablespoon per day to each horse. Because it is so strong, this is something you really need to start off with very small amounts to introduce to your horses. Gradually you can increase the amounts as they accept the garlic. Mine have no trouble with it but I also add a couple of essential oils that may help the taste as well. SpringTime even offers a great buy 2 get 1 free option, when purchasing, along with free shipping at a certain level of dollars spent.
For the face, ears, throat and undersides ( belly and back legs especially) I have had great success with using Young Living Insect Repellent. It comes in a 6 oz container. I can use it straight from the bottle as very concentrated as it is or cut it with some ACV and add it to an aerosol spray bottle. These aerosol bottles are great for putting out a fine mist that works well on their underside area.
The Insect Repellent also comes in the form of wipes. These are especially effective and easy to use on the face, ears and neck area. I also have reused the wipes by adding more of the repellent from the bottle! They are so handy to throw in a saddle bag, keep with grooming tools or toss in the Holistic Care Equine Emergency Kit.
Last year I discovered the following recipe from a friend and have found it very effective. I'm not sure if it's the catnip tea, the essential oils or the combination of all of the ingredients but I do like how well it works. And using the Cleaner, Dish Soap and so many oils for everyday life just makes it easy to whip this up! I make and keep plenty available so that my spray bottles never run out!
Spray Recipe from Cherie Ross
1. Steep 1/2 cup catnip in 1/2 gallon of water, cover and cool to room temp. Then strain. A coffee filters works great for final straining.
2. Add catnip tea to a jug.
3. Add 1 TBSP Thieves Household Cleaner , 1 TBSP Thieves Dish Soap , 1.5 TBSP neem oil.
4. Add 20 drops each Citronella, Lemongrass, Kunzea (known as tick bush where it grows native), Basil
5. Add 10 drops each Hinoki, Copaiba, Peppermint, R.C.
Shake to mix and shake before each use.
Pour into a 28-30 oz. spray bottle. Keep out of sun.
As needed, I also use the Animal Scents Ointment on areas of the skin that may be open but I need to keep the bugs off. A finger full of this ointment, whipped up, and it soothes the area while keeping pests away. I have even slathered it on lower legs when the bugs seemed very bad and were bothering Saxon. It was amazing how well it protected him!
Perhaps this is not what you want to hear but giving your horses a place to roll in a sandy or even muddy area allows them to get relief from the bugs as well. Having areas like this to indulge in offers them more of the natural lifestyle features that promote balanced horses. When horses are able to live like horses they tend to be happier with fewer of the problems we see in traditional horse care.
Looking for more information on holistic care for your horses? Join our community The Hearts Of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care and learn more about supporting your horse's wellness!
All the best,