Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror
I believe horses, well, really any animal, come into our care for a reason. 

The reason could be to help us... to grow in some way, to change a behavior, to resolve hurt or trauma, to release feelings that are holding us back, to show us problems with our health or anything else that helps us to become better or whole again.  When I began to realize the significance the animals had in my life...on my emotional growth, it opened me up to a greater awareness that increases with each day.  And it encourages me to do a better job of being a better person for myself as well as for my animals.

One of my past experiences was with Dinah, a senior husky, who came into my life as a foster then I adopted her.  She had been surrendered, overweight with difficulty walking as well as getting up and down. She was the redemption for the regret I carried of not knowing how to help our last senior dog, Bryndall.  With all that I had learned using Young Living products, I was able to give this girl a couple more healthy, happy and vibrant years with our family.   Our horse Frannie came to help me to release emotional baggage. He showed me that sometimes there is nothing we can do to save them. This is from hurt I carried for many years over the death of my father.

So something happened this morning that was really kind of a slap in the face to wake me up out of my funk lately!  That I needed to do better and that my horse was showing me the error of my ways. I wanted to share it as I think we can all get caught up in our lives and need a reminder to be in the moment and pay attention to what our horses are telling us!

Here's what happened...

The horses had been out and about foraging.  I had put a flake of hay in each of the stall areas for when they came back in.  Each horse generally starts out having their breakfast in their chosen stall, then they move from stall to stall eating from the hay bags(in this hot/humid weather they have been choosing to stay in during the day).  Saxon always eats in the middle stall as his large dish and place mat are set up for him.  Calli happened to be in that stall when I headed down with the dishes of food.  Saxon started to go in, saw Calli and whipped his head to the side catching me.  It wasn't hard, but I did feel it and it brought up my anger.  With that anger and my hands full of feed dishes I sent Calli out of the stall so I could get Saxon set up to eat.   I then fed Maggie and Calli as both were then waiting in the other stalls.

I left the area to go make hay bags and on my way up to the barn, I heard a squeal and a bang on the wall.  I looked back to see Maggie running out of the stall and a bit upset.  Calli had finished her meal and had gone in to push Maggie out with the same kind of anger that I had just displayed to her.  I apologized to Maggie, then Calli for the blame of this situation was not on them or even Saxon, it was on me.  

My anger that came out is not something I am happy about, but I am glad that Calli showed me what I look like by doing the same thing to Maggie.  It made me realize that I must manage my emotions better...regardless of the heat, the bugs and any other things in life that may be bothering me.  Being in the moment with our horses is what they show us is important.  It's when we are off in our heads that problems arise.  So I have pulled out my Feelings Kit of oils to use to help myself feel more relaxed and balanced.

Kind of a coincidence (are there really coincidences?), just this morning I had a message from a friend asking for suggestions regarding a situation with one of her horses.  The last thing that she said when we finished talking was that she is noticing the horse is showing the same physical issues that she has!  That is the key, notice what our horses are telling us.  Our horses are our mirrors and will show us what we need to pay attention to and change to make us better or whole again.  

For more information on holistic horse care, be sure to join us over in our FB community The Hearts Of Horses; Empowering Through Holistic Care.

All the best,

Start today! Prepare your horse for next year's fireworks.

Start today!  Prepare your horse for next year's fireworks.
Did you or your horses have a bad experience with this year's fireworks?  Is this celebration (or anytime with loud noises) always a time of stress for you and them? 

We are about one week past this year's 4th of July celebrations.  NOW is the time to begin preparing your horses for next year's celebrations.  Try these suggestions to make some changes and empower yourself to enjoy, and not fear, this yearly event!

Getting your own mind and emotions right first is a good place to start!  The Universe says that you get what you focus on... sooo focus on a positive, calm experience that you can see for you and your horse!  Do this every time you interact with your horse.  Create a calm picture in your mind of what you will be doing.  Your horse will see this and feel the calm from you.  If you see this picture in your mind ahead of time, doing it multiple times, chances are your experience with your horse will go as you created (pictured) it!

Taking the time to get ourselves grounded before we interact with our horse will also help them  to feel that way too!  Take a moment to ground yourself through a meditation, a quiet moment or just picture the upcoming interaction.  Quiet your breathing and feel the calm with your horse. This will help to set the tone for your time with your horse. 

Essential Oils have been a big part of our successful care and that includes helping with calming and grounding.  A couple of favorites that work well are Peace and Calming and Stress Away.  Another blend called Valor is very beneficial for supporting the lower energy centers that can be the root problem for horses that have these issues around safety.   Once I realized how integral the emotions are with what we see outwardly with our horses, in terms of their physical health, I put together a resource that makes it easy to figure out what my horse might be feeling and the potential oils I can use to help open up those areas of the body.  Grab the resource here.

Giving attention to my horse's energy systems has been a wonderful addition to their care.  The Healing Touch for Animals® techniques allows me to remove the congestion and blockages that contribute to unsettled behavior as well as physical issues.  Techniques like Grounding and Focus™, Bridging™ and the Chakra Balance™ are all useful in helping our horses to become more balanced mentally, emotionally and physically.  There's even a technique called Trauma Release™ that is helpful when there is deep seated trauma that needs to be released.  To learn more about this amazing program, click here.

Now that you've prepared yourself and your horse with a great image, calming oils and grounded balanced energy...now it's time to go explore!  Take walks with your horse to expose them to a variety of new things in their life!  Allow them to be curious and explore the new objects, whether the objects are stationary, moving, silent or loud!  The more you and your horse get out and explore together, the more you will be developing confidence and connection.  There is a 30 Day Challenge with daily prompts of activities you can do with your horse that will help to develop this calm, confidence and connection.  You can find it in my community The Hearts of Horses; Empowering Through Holistic Care.  Remember you are always looking for your horse to find relaxation in each of these new situations.

By putting your attention on these areas and spending time with your horse now to overcome this issue, you'll be enjoying a quiet, uneventful celebration with your horses come July 4th 2023!

All the best,