Stand up for your horse's care to professionals

Stand up for your horse's care to professionals
Have you ever felt intimidated, overlooked or even minimized when it comes to working with your horse's health care professionals?
Interactions like this can leave you feeling helpless, frustrated and even angry.  Especially if you, as the  caregiver, have some reservations about what is happening or just plain disagree!  Early on I readily accepted the information from my professionals.  After all, I was new to horses and was learning!  But as time passed and I dove into a variety of aspects of caring for my horses, especially hoof care, there were many things I had been doing that just didn't feel right.  I now had options for new, different and what I believed were better things to do.  Things that felt better to me and were more closely in line with what I have for ideas on how I choose to care for my horses. 

 As I learned more, it became easier for me to speak up and ask questions and even disagree with what I may have been told by my professionals, who I had chosen.  At some point, we must realize when and if things may not be working with that professional and seek out another who is more in alignment with our beliefs.   Remember, you are the horse owner who hires the professional.  You get the last word.

 It is important for caregivers to realize that they are the decision makers for their horses.

Knowing we are the decision maker for our horse and actually speaking up and standing our ground, so to speak, are two very different things.  For some it comes easier to speak up while others may need some help and encouragement.  

Luckily, there ARE things we can do to BUILD OUR CONFIDENCE so that we feel empowered when talking with our horse's healthcare professional.  The first thing to do is learn more about the various areas of our horse's care.  Dive into books, watch videos, read blogs, go to seminars and webinars and learn from as many sources as you can.   I can remember when I first got started I was grabbing every book and dvd collection I could get my hands on, for nutrition and hoof care!  Luckily I had a great barefoot trimmer who was willing and happy to share her knowledge and resources with me.  

Just having more knowledge gives us a more solid foundation from which to ask questions and feel more secure about having a conversation with a professional.  Whether the topic is nutrition, hoof care, vaccinations or parasite protocols it is beneficial for you to learn that there are a variety of ways to deal with and promote good health.  And you get to choose what you feel are the best ways to handle these for your horses.

The next thing to do is find and surround yourself with people who feel the same way that you do!  Whether it is the barn community you choose or an online community, finding groups who align with our beliefs goes a long way to helping us feel confident in the decisions we are making.  It gives us a sense that we are not alone, or crazy, for thinking and feeling the way we do.  Just because it's a bit different than the "norm", doesn't make it bad or wrong.   I have created an online community for exactly this kind of support and empowerment.  It's called The Hearts of Horses; Empowering Through Holistic Care.  Join us there if you're ready to feel empowered!

Now get started on these two tasks and see where your confidence journey takes you!  I bet even your horses will notice a difference in your demeanor and energy...😉

All the best,

Start today! Prepare your horse for next year's fireworks.

Start today!  Prepare your horse for next year's fireworks.
Did you or your horses have a bad experience with this year's fireworks?  Is this celebration (or anytime with loud noises) always a time of stress for you and them? 

We are about one week past this year's 4th of July celebrations.  NOW is the time to begin preparing your horses for next year's celebrations.  Try these suggestions to make some changes and empower yourself to enjoy, and not fear, this yearly event!

Getting your own mind and emotions right first is a good place to start!  The Universe says that you get what you focus on... sooo focus on a positive, calm experience that you can see for you and your horse!  Do this every time you interact with your horse.  Create a calm picture in your mind of what you will be doing.  Your horse will see this and feel the calm from you.  If you see this picture in your mind ahead of time, doing it multiple times, chances are your experience with your horse will go as you created (pictured) it!

Taking the time to get ourselves grounded before we interact with our horse will also help them  to feel that way too!  Take a moment to ground yourself through a meditation, a quiet moment or just picture the upcoming interaction.  Quiet your breathing and feel the calm with your horse. This will help to set the tone for your time with your horse. 

Essential Oils have been a big part of our successful care and that includes helping with calming and grounding.  A couple of favorites that work well are Peace and Calming and Stress Away.  Another blend called Valor is very beneficial for supporting the lower energy centers that can be the root problem for horses that have these issues around safety.   Once I realized how integral the emotions are with what we see outwardly with our horses, in terms of their physical health, I put together a resource that makes it easy to figure out what my horse might be feeling and the potential oils I can use to help open up those areas of the body.  Grab the resource here.

Giving attention to my horse's energy systems has been a wonderful addition to their care.  The Healing Touch for Animals® techniques allows me to remove the congestion and blockages that contribute to unsettled behavior as well as physical issues.  Techniques like Grounding and Focus™, Bridging™ and the Chakra Balance™ are all useful in helping our horses to become more balanced mentally, emotionally and physically.  There's even a technique called Trauma Release™ that is helpful when there is deep seated trauma that needs to be released.  To learn more about this amazing program, click here.

Now that you've prepared yourself and your horse with a great image, calming oils and grounded balanced it's time to go explore!  Take walks with your horse to expose them to a variety of new things in their life!  Allow them to be curious and explore the new objects, whether the objects are stationary, moving, silent or loud!  The more you and your horse get out and explore together, the more you will be developing confidence and connection.  There is a 30 Day Challenge with daily prompts of activities you can do with your horse that will help to develop this calm, confidence and connection.  You can find it in my community The Hearts of Horses; Empowering Through Holistic Care.  Remember you are always looking for your horse to find relaxation in each of these new situations.

By putting your attention on these areas and spending time with your horse now to overcome this issue, you'll be enjoying a quiet, uneventful celebration with your horses come July 4th 2023!

All the best,

Things to do with your horse when its too cold... or you don't have a lot of time!

Things to do with your horse when its too cold... or you don't have a lot of time!

The winter can be tough to spend time playing with or riding your horse, especially if you don’t have access to an indoor or good footing.  But don’t fret, there are loads of things you can to with your horse!  These activities will help to develop your relationship as well as improve your horse’s mental, emotional and physical wellness.

Here is a list of a few things I like to do with my horses when its cold or I’m short on time…

Just be with them. Put your hands on them and breathe.  Let your breathing and hearts get in sync.  Talk quietly with your horse.  Tell them your secrets…

Do stretches.  Lifting the front leg with a little stretch forward is great for their shoulders. Tickling the belly with your finger tips is great for getting them to lift their top line.  A hind leg, cross in front hold is great for the hind end and balance (there’s a great video of this in Guide 9 of the Hearts Of Horses group).

Ask for yields.  Using the lightest of touches, or maybe even just a thought.  Ask your horse to move their hindquarters or crossover their front feet moving away from you.  Have them back up or move sideways away from you.  A challenge…ask them to move sideways toward you!

Pick up their feet and check them.  Do a quick clean out and inspect each foot to make sure all is well.  A quick spray with Thieves Cleaner goes a long way for keeping the frogs healthy too!

Assess their energy centers to see if all are open and flowing.  Not sure how to do this? Watch this video and learn to use a pendulum.

Use energy healing techniques from Healing Touch for Animals to clear away congested energy and blockages from their system.  To me this is the most overlooked part of our care for our animals.  If you'd like to learn more about energy and vibration tools read my recent blog here.

Use light therapy (red, green and blue).  Apply the light to wellness points on your horse for a preventive approach to their care.  Use the light on the carotid for 10 minutes to cleanse their blood!

Apply essential oils. Do a RainDrop Kit session to promote relaxation, cleansing and immune system stimulation.  Spend a month applying the Feelings Kit daily and you’ll be amazed at how much more harmonious you and your horse will be together!  It will bring your partnership to a whole new level!

If some of these things are new to you, or you’ve never heard of them but are interested in learning more, I encourage you to check out the Guide section at the top of the page in our community, The Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care.

Stay warm and enjoy your time with your horses,


Are You Using Vibration/Energy Tools for Your Horses Yet?

Are You Using Vibration/Energy Tools for Your Horses Yet?
Are you not sure what that even means?

That’s ok.  I wasn’t either until a few years back…

Everything carries energy and vibration… plants, rocks, animals and people.  The higher the vibration, the greater your health.  Generally, a healthy body enjoys a frequency range measured in Megahertz of 62-78 MHz, while disease or illness begins at 57 MHz.  Clearing old negative energy away and adding new increased energy to ourselves and horses improves wellness. Below are a few of the ways I have incorporated vibration and energy work into the care of my horses… and myself!

I have always loved plants.  The first things I did when I bought my first house was to plant a big vegetable garden and create herb/flower beds.  Years later, when my daughter was in high school (we were homeschooling and purchased a home study course), I began studying and learning more about the medicinal nature of plants.  I began using herbs regularly, even including them in the care of my horses.   I loved mixing herbs for teas, learned to make tinctures and salves and still have a favorite lotion recipe that my husband enjoys. 

It wasn’t until I got into horses and my trimming practice that I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils.  The emotional impact that blends of oils had on horses was incredible and undeniable!  I began using them daily for my horses and the more I learned, the more I was using them.  I soon was using them in their feed and trading out all the usual horse products I had for these essential oils.  If you're looking for the highest of quality essential oils and oil infused products, check out the ones I use here, Young Living Essential Oils.

Along my journey of beginning with horses, there were signs and introductions to such things as dowsing (using a pendulum) and muscle testing. I had the opportunity to observe people using these techniques at a friend's barn.  To me it was fascinating, but I wasn’t quite ready at that time to investigate those areas.

I needed more work on cleansing myself and my environment.  As I made changes in my daily life in these areas (reading food labels, eating cleaner food, using products without harmful toxins), my vibration increased (low vibration = sickness and disease) as did my intuition.
With this raised vibration from cleansing, my fascination with crystals started to blossom.

 I had a very old necklace that was my great grandmother’s.  It had been hanging on a picture, over my dresser, that I walked by every morning and evening.  It is a beautiful, tear drop shaped stone of Lapis Lazuli, on an antique chain.  When I’d pass by it, I found myself stopping and touching it.  I eventually started wearing it.  Lapis is a stone that promotes your intuition.  It is also known for harmonizing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a being. Lapis also brings objectivity and clarity. 

 From this beginning, my love of crystals grew… learning more, collecting and carrying them.   I am now starting to incorporate them into my Healing Touch for Animals work.  I was so excited to have had a conversation/interview in my horse community about using crystals with the founder of the HTA program, Carol Komitor. If you’d like to watch that, you can find the video in the Guides section of my Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care community.

I learned about a new crystal application tool this past fall, when I attended an online Animal Conference that included a variety of speakers.  Through one of the presentations, I learned about these crystal mats and their healing abilities.  The crystals raise your vibration and can increase circulation and reduce inflammation.  There are mats you can lay on as well as wraps to apply to the body.  I can see many uses for this for myself as well as my animals.   I am excited to delve more into learning about this tool in the coming new year!

Light therapy is another tool I use with regularity and see a multitude of benefits.  I use it proactively, as in promoting the immune system as well as for emergency situations.  You can hold the light on your carotid artery for about 10 minutes and thoroughly cleanse your blood! 
My red light came in pretty darn handy when my dog, Zeke, got hit by a car a few years back.   It’s also great for the cuts and scrapes the horses get on occasion.  The light therapy also offers green and blue along with the red with each having its own unique health benefits.  I love the one I have as the company offers such great support and education around using the tools and resources. Check them out if you'd like to see what they offer...Photonic Health.

The next thing I found was incredibly powerful to me.  A few years back I was fortunate to have attended the Animal Conference at Young Living’s Mona, Utah Farm.  There were many terrific demonstrations and information about using essential oils, but the one that captivated me the most was the demonstration with Carol Komitor and Kate Brown on Healing Touch for Animals.  I was drawn to everything about it, including the use of the oils, but the desire to know more about influencing the energy of an animal to promote faster healing was so exciting.  I had made up my mind right there that I would learn more by taking the Level 1 online course!  I have since completed that along with an in-person Level 2 course. If you're interested in learning more, have a look here at Healing Touch for Animals.
Introducing each of these vibration/energy tools into my daily use has been a process over time.  Each has proven to be an incredible addition to provide wellness to my family and animals.  I am excited to keep learning about more ways to help my animals.  If you’re ready to learn more about these energy healing modalities I've talked about above, be sure to find the information on each in the guide section in the Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care community.  I'd also be happy to talk with you personally, so feel free to reach out and contact me!

Happy New Year and see you in the Hearts of Horses community...



Equine Ulcers: 3 Ways to Avoid Them!

Equine Ulcers: 3 Ways to Avoid Them!
Horses are a herd animal meant to live and roam with their “family”.  This offers safety, emotional comfort and a feeling of belonging within the “family”.   When we put them in living situations that are very different from their instinctual norm, we are immediately setting them up for problems.  How much, what and even when we feed our horses has a huge impact on their stress level, gut health and even their emotional well-being.  At the heart of all dis-ease is stress in the body.   There is no greater culprit than emotional stress for wreaking havoc in the body.  Soothe the animal, set up their life as nature designed for them and release the stress…

Let’s look at how we keep our horses.  Horses are built and wired to move and eat continually on a daily basis.  In the wild, it is normal for a herd to cover around 25 miles in a day.  They browse on a variety of grasses, tree bark and plants while moving over a variety of terrain that proves beneficial for their hooves as well as the rest of their being.  When its rest time they hang as a group, with a few of the mares standing watch over the herd.  The track system lends to this lifestyle, mimicking how horses live in the wild.

Does your horse’s daily routine look like this?  If it does, congratulations to you!  Your horses are likely ulcer free and happy in their herd!  Getting horses out of the long days and nights in a stall and getting them moving with the herd will increase their feelings of safety and trust.  It will allow them to tap into the energy of their herd dynamics and serve to settle them within their group, relieving stress.

Browsing for food!  Allow your horse to move about to access their food.  Standing in one spot to eat hour after hour does not help their gut or the rest of their body!  Offering a variety of whole foods is your best bet for keeping your horses gut balance.   Avoiding things like processed grains and instead substituting foods like flax, chia seeds, Timothy/alfalfa cubes will go a long way for providing the nutrients needed while avoiding the stomach upset.

  Adding in enzymes like Allerzyme and Essentialzyme has been a game changer for one of my guys!  Clearly his gut balance was off and he was acting like a grumpy old man.  He is now back to his gregarious, silly self (that’s him in the photo)!   Other items like pre and probiotics, Life 9, are beneficial to keeping the gut balanced and have a place in our horse care.  There are also products like aloe vera juice or bentonite clay that can offer a soothing solution to the problem gut.

By incorporating some of the things I’ve talked about above, chances are your horse is already feeling better.  If there are still troubles, checking in on their emotions by evaluating their energy centers is a helpful thing to do.   When the solar plexus is blocked there is a connection with feelings of not belonging, fear of abandonment, defensiveness, feeling trapped, anxiety and even feeling tired.  With this knowledge, you can utilize a selection of essential oils to support your horse emotionally.  I have a great chart and mini course that outlines how to identify the emotions based on the body and suggested oils to use.  Grab it HERE.

If you suspect your horse does have ulcers and would like to confirm that, there is a non-invasive test that can be done.  It uses fresh fecal matter to check antibodies to detect two equine specific  blood components.  It's called Succeed.  Positive results for this test confirm the presence and potentially location of inflammation, lesions and/or ulcers.  It is necessary to use fecal material within 30 minutes of it leaving the body.  Results show as quickly as 5 minutes but not longer than 15 minutes.  It is only available to veterinarians, so contact your vet to access this product.

I would also incorporate Healing Touch For Animals techniques  to help clear the energy. There are other holistic tools that can be used as well.  Tools like red light therapy, PEMF and more!

Interested in learning more about some of these areas I’ve touched on?  There’s loads of information in the Guides section of my group The Hearts of Horses; Empowering Through Holistic Care.

Join our community HERE and feel empowered as you care for your horses!
All the best,
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