Are you not sure what that even means?
That’s ok. I wasn’t either until a few years back…
Everything carries energy and vibration… plants, rocks, animals and people. The higher the vibration, the greater your health. Generally, a healthy body enjoys a frequency range measured in Megahertz of 62-78 MHz, while disease or illness begins at 57 MHz. Clearing old negative energy away and adding new increased energy to ourselves and horses improves wellness. Below are a few of the ways I have incorporated vibration and energy work into the care of my horses… and myself!
I have always loved plants. The first things I did when I bought my first house was to plant a big vegetable garden and create herb/flower beds. Years later, when my daughter was in high school (we were homeschooling and purchased a home study course), I began studying and learning more about the medicinal nature of plants. I began using herbs regularly, even including them in the care of my horses. I loved mixing herbs for teas, learned to make tinctures and salves and still have a favorite lotion recipe that my husband enjoys.
It wasn’t until I got into horses and my trimming practice that I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils. The emotional impact that blends of oils had on horses was incredible and undeniable! I began using them daily for my horses and the more I learned, the more I was using them. I soon was using them in their feed and trading out all the usual horse products I had for these essential oils. If you're looking for the highest of quality essential oils and oil infused products, check out the ones I use here,
Young Living Essential Oils.
Along my journey of beginning with horses, there were signs and introductions to such things as dowsing (using a pendulum) and muscle testing. I had the opportunity to observe people using these techniques at a friend's barn. To me it was fascinating, but I wasn’t quite ready at that time to investigate those areas.
I needed more work on cleansing myself and my environment. As I made changes in my daily life in these areas (reading food labels, eating cleaner food, using products without harmful toxins), my vibration increased (low vibration = sickness and disease) as did my intuition.
With this raised vibration from cleansing, my fascination with crystals started to blossom.
I had a very old necklace that was my great grandmother’s. It had been hanging on a picture, over my dresser, that I walked by every morning and evening. It is a beautiful, tear drop shaped stone of Lapis Lazuli, on an antique chain. When I’d pass by it, I found myself stopping and touching it. I eventually started wearing it. Lapis is a stone that promotes your intuition. It is also known for harmonizing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a being. Lapis also brings objectivity and clarity.
From this beginning, my love of crystals grew… learning more, collecting and carrying them. I am now starting to incorporate them into my Healing Touch for Animals work. I was so excited to have had a conversation/interview in my horse community about using crystals with the founder of the HTA program, Carol Komitor. If you’d like to watch that, you can find the video in the Guides section of my
Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care community.
I learned about a new crystal application tool this past fall, when I attended an online Animal Conference that included a variety of speakers. Through one of the presentations, I learned about these crystal mats and their healing abilities. The crystals raise your vibration and can increase circulation and reduce inflammation. There are mats you can lay on as well as wraps to apply to the body. I can see many uses for this for myself as well as my animals. I am excited to delve more into learning about this tool in the coming new year!
Light therapy is another tool I use with regularity and see a multitude of benefits. I use it proactively, as in promoting the immune system as well as for emergency situations. You can hold the light on your carotid artery for about 10 minutes and thoroughly cleanse your blood!
My red light came in pretty darn handy when my dog, Zeke, got hit by a car a few years back. It’s also great for the cuts and scrapes the horses get on occasion. The light therapy also offers green and blue along with the red with each having its own unique health benefits. I love the one I have as the company offers such great support and education around using the tools and resources. Check them out if you'd like to see what they offer...
Photonic Health.
The next thing I found was incredibly powerful to me. A few years back I was fortunate to have attended the Animal Conference at Young Living’s Mona, Utah Farm. There were many terrific demonstrations and information about using essential oils, but the one that captivated me the most was the demonstration with Carol Komitor and Kate Brown on Healing Touch for Animals. I was drawn to everything about it, including the use of the oils, but the desire to know more about influencing the energy of an animal to promote faster healing was so exciting. I had made up my mind right there that I would learn more by taking the Level 1 online course! I have since completed that along with an in-person Level 2 course. If you're interested in learning more, have a look here at
Healing Touch for Animals.
Introducing each of these vibration/energy tools into my daily use has been a process over time. Each has proven to be an incredible addition to provide wellness to my family and animals. I am excited to keep learning about more ways to help my animals. If you’re ready to learn more about these energy healing modalities I've talked about above, be sure to find the information on each in the guide section in the
Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care community. I'd also be happy to talk with you personally, so feel free to reach out and contact me!
Happy New Year and see you in the Hearts of Horses community...