With the passing of every winter comes the excitement and joy of spring…warmer weather, trees budding, plants coming up in their bright green colors and time spent getting our horses shed out and cleaned up. There are a few items that have made my life a heck of a lot easier and helped to improve the health of my horses! Let me share these with you…
Let’s take a look at cleaning up the outside first. Sooo much hair to remove and hooves to check…
The first item is one that I discovered while in my trimming practice. It became a staple of my business and I used it on all client’s hooves. I used it for its effectiveness at cleaning hooves and for promoting the healthy growth of the frogs. The fact that I could make up a 28 oz bottle for a little over a dollar was a big deal too! This spray is not only effective for cleaning hooves but it did wonders for the skin and coat of my horses. It is one of the main things to help my horse Calli get over her springtime itching situation that I would deal with every year when I first got her. This Thieves Household Cleaner has become a part of everything I clean in the barn and my home. It’s toxin free ingredients and ability to promote wellness make it a perfect option for those looking for holistic care.
With spring comes exuberant horses and with that comes minor injuries. This next item, while not so much on the cleaning side of things, it certainly goes hand in hand with them and does wonders on these injuries. It’s the thing that I turn to for any cuts, scrapes, nicks or dings on my horses. First they get the Thieves Cleaner spray, maybe an oil or two depending upon what has happened and then a finger full of the Animal Scents Ointment. It goes on easy, almost melts into the skin and provides a protective barrier. It contains powerful essential oils like Myrrh and Tea Tree, along with moisturizing base oils that make a dry, cracked frog feel better. I shared a great hack on making the Ointment more user friendly in my holistic care fb community,The Hearts Of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care . This is another of my must-have horse care tools and is always on hand!
With the warmer weather we can finally give a bath! While I do not go overboard on this, it is still important to me to have something that will not harm my horses’ skin and immune system, but instead supports them. I’ve been using the Animal Scents Shampoo for quite a few years now for both my horses and dog, and the occasional cat. It is a deterrent to lice, ticks and other insects so that is a big gold star in my book, especially since my horses live in the woods! This is very concentrated and only a small amount is needed. I use one of my old Thieves Dish Soap bottles and add a bit to it then fill with hot water to mix it up. This makes application and spreading it around a lot easier. Their hair comes out smelling so clean as well as looking and feeling so soft and healthy.
This next item is one that I discovered works great as a mane and tail detangler! It’s the Insect Repellent. So while I’m untangling manes and tails, my horses are getting a treatment with Vitamin E and bug (mosquito, flea and tick)repelling properties from pure essential oils like Citronella, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Geranium, Spearmint, Thyme and Clove oil. Sesame oil works on the tangles! Double duty on one product makes this one a must have with my spring readiness.
Now let’s take a look at how we can “clean up” our horses’ insides…
When we talk about cleaning up our horse’s insides, it has everything to do with their digestive system health and their nutrition. For awhile now I’ve used garlic granules for my horses. First, I began just giving it to them in their feed seasonally as a bug deterrent but after writing a blog about the benefits of garlic, I decided to feed it year round. From digestive support to fighting fungal infections to detoxifying heavy metals… garlic really helps to clean and maintain internal function.
Adding a potent probiotic will benefit the intestinal system and support proper bowel function. The bowels are so important to immune system health and without their proper function, the body is susceptible to a variety of illnesses. Probiotics are necessary to rid the body of the harmful bacteria and yeast. From personal experience with our oldest gelding Saxon, the Life 9 probiotics have been a saving grace. Saxon was experiencing very loose stools and even liquid dripping marks on his back side. Once I incorporated the Life 9 into his daily regimen, he was back on track! He gets one per day and that seems to work well for him.
The last “inside cleaning” item I will share are enzymes. Enzymes are necessary for proper digestion, nutrient utilization and waste elimination. They can help to combat such things as gas, allergies, lethargy and even behavior changes. This last thing is what caused me to try Allerzyme with Saxon. He was really acting out of sorts and being down right grumpy, which is not his usual demeanor. As soon as I started him on Allerzyme, he went back to his old, happy self. I am currently using Essentialzymes for him now with the same good results. He may even like them better as they have a peppermint coated bilayer for dual time release during digestion.
Wishing you all the best as we kick off spring!