Have you been tossing around the idea of learning to trim your own horses? Maybe you just want to be able to talk more knowledgeably with your hoof care professional?
There are so many great reasons to get started and NOW is the perfect time!
I think one of the top reasons for trimming our own horses is that we know them best and they know us. For the horse who has trouble with new people, perhaps males (from previous bad experience) or just has trouble picking up their feet, this can be an ideal, more calm and emotionally stable situation for them. Because we see our horses on a daily basis, we get to know their routines and can pick up on changes quickly that may need immediate attention. This means we are also there to monitor progress and offer daily care as needed.
When we learn to trim our own horses, we begin to develop a deeper understanding of the hoof itself, it's structures and how it functions. We also understand what it takes to develop and build healthy feet. When immersed in learning, it empowers us to be able to ask questions and discuss our horse's care with our professional's with confidence.
How many of us have had trouble just getting someone to come to our place to trim our horses? This can be a real challenge, especially depending upon where we live. When we trim our own horses, we have the convenience of trimming on our own schedule and never have to wait! No more lost time from our job either! Another really big reason for trimming our own, especially right now with the current economy, it is a huge money saving endeavor. You can save anywhere from $50-$100 a month depending upon the market in your area. And there's an even larger savings when you consider taking your horse barefoot. This is easier than you think too when you incorporate some key ingredients. Here's a blog if you're interested learning more about taking your horse barefoot.
It is empowering to learn what makes the hoof work and how we can improve the lives of our horses so that they can move in the best way they can. I put together a free 2 week workshop in my community The Hearts of Horses, Empowering Through Holistic Care . You'll find it in the guide section of the group. It covers a variety of areas like building rapport with you horse, picking up their feet, parts of the hoof, importance of nutrition and more.
I have also created a learn to trim your own horses course. This course focuses on giving you the foundation for doing a maintenance trim on your own horses. We'll cover such areas as internal structures of the hoof, what a healthy hoof looks like, tools, body position while trimming and the significance of and impact that nutrition and lifestyle have on the hoof. You'll also learn to recognize common problems and how to remedy the situation.
Ready to get started?!
Grab my trimming course here.
Use the code 50off to purchase for half-price.
This is a great investment for your horse's health!
All the best,