Have you ever felt intimidated, overlooked or even minimized when it comes to working with your horse's health care professionals?
Interactions like this can leave you feeling helpless, frustrated and even angry. Especially if you, as the caregiver, have some reservations about what is happening or just plain disagree! Early on I readily accepted the information from my professionals. After all, I was new to horses and was learning! But as time passed and I dove into a variety of aspects of caring for my horses, especially hoof care, there were many things I had been doing that just didn't feel right. I now had options for new, different and what I believed were better things to do. Things that felt better to me and were more closely in line with what I have for ideas on how I choose to care for my horses.
As I learned more, it became easier for me to speak up and ask questions and even disagree with what I may have been told by my professionals, who I had chosen. At some point, we must realize when and if things may not be working with that professional and seek out another who is more in alignment with our beliefs. Remember, you are the horse owner who hires the professional. You get the last word.
It is important for caregivers to realize that they are the decision makers for their horses.
Knowing we are the decision maker for our horse and actually speaking up and standing our ground, so to speak, are two very different things. For some it comes easier to speak up while others may need some help and encouragement.
Luckily, there ARE things we can do to BUILD OUR CONFIDENCE so that we feel empowered when talking with our horse's healthcare professional. The first thing to do is learn more about the various areas of our horse's care. Dive into books, watch videos, read blogs, go to seminars and webinars and learn from as many sources as you can. I can remember when I first got started I was grabbing every book and dvd collection I could get my hands on, for nutrition and hoof care! Luckily I had a great barefoot trimmer who was willing and happy to share her knowledge and resources with me.
Just having more knowledge gives us a more solid foundation from which to ask questions and feel more secure about having a conversation with a professional. Whether the topic is nutrition, hoof care, vaccinations or parasite protocols it is beneficial for you to learn that there are a variety of ways to deal with and promote good health. And you get to choose what you feel are the best ways to handle these for your horses.
The next thing to do is find and surround yourself with people who feel the same way that you do! Whether it is the barn community you choose or an online community, finding groups who align with our beliefs goes a long way to helping us feel confident in the decisions we are making. It gives us a sense that we are not alone, or crazy, for thinking and feeling the way we do. Just because it's a bit different than the "norm", doesn't make it bad or wrong. I have created an online community for exactly this kind of support and empowerment. It's called The Hearts of Horses; Empowering Through Holistic Care. Join us there if you're ready to feel empowered!
Now get started on these two tasks and see where your confidence journey takes you! I bet even your horses will notice a difference in your demeanor and energy...😉
All the best,